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Autism Assessments

What is an Autism Assessment? 

Many adults go through a large portion of their lives unaware that they are Autistic. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as misinformation about how Autistic traits present in different people, gender biases in research, and long-term masking behaviours.


Individuals who were not identified as Autistic in childhood, are able to be assessed and identified, in adulthood.


An Autism assessment involves a combination of assessment tools, in addition to a clinical interview, to determine whether an individual is Autistic.

Components of an Autism Assessment

A full comprehensive Autism assessment incorporates the following:

  1. Intake and Clinical Interview with the individual, and if appropriate, their loved ones

  2. Diagnostic Interview (MIGDAS 2.0)

  3. Full Educational Assessment (WAIS IV and WIAT III)

  4. Social functioning Assessment (SRS-2)​

  5. Adaptive Behaviour Assessment (Vineland III)



  1. If identified as appropriate or required - an additional assessment / screener tool for ADHD and/or another condition.

  2. Comprehensive strengths-focused and tailored report that details the assessment outcome with targeted recommendations.

  3. Feedback session with the individual and, if desired, their loved ones

Measures used in the Autism Assessment

Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum - Second Edition

The Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum - Second Edition - (MIGDAS-2) is a qualitative interview protocol for determining whether an individual’s behavioural profile is consistent with the Autistic Brain Style.

The MIGDAS-2 collects information about an individual’s sensory, communication, social, and emotional profile. It is intended for use with verbally fluent adults.

The MIGDAS-2 takes a strengths-based approach and acknowledges the whole person.

Autism Assessment Breakdown

The full comprehensive Autism assessment is used to formally identify Autism in adults and can be used as part of an application for NDIS funding. It provides an in-depth assessment of how an individual’s brain is functioning, and how they can best support their brain across various contexts of living.


While the full comprehensive Autism assessment is available, it may not be necessary for every individual. An initial intake interview will be used to determine which combination of assessment tools will be most appropriate for you, and your intended purpose for undergoing the assessment.


Following any assessment, your Psychologist will provide a comprehensive report explaining all the tests that were used, along with the results, and a list of recommendations for home, educational and/or work settings.

A 30 minute to 1 hour feedback session is then held, to explain the results, go through the report and answer any additional questions.


This session can be used for planning further assessment or intervention, if required.


1 hour interview to gather background information, clarify the purpose of assessment, and to determine the most appropriate battery of assessments for the individual.


SRS-2 completed online by the individual and a loved one


3 hour diagnostic interview with the MIGDAS-2 (may be done over two separate occasions)


Vineland Adaptive Behaviour scales completed online by a loved one.


Approx. 2 hours of testing with WAIS-IV (may need to be done over 2 separate occasions)


Detailed assessment report of findings with behavioural and educational recommendations


Approx. 2 hours of testing with WIAT-III


Up to 1 hour feedback session

Want to find out more?

To learn more or to enquire about our autism assessment, contact us at:, or give us a call on (02) 9555 4810.

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